Monday, November 28, 2011

The Evolving World - Update 5

The Evolving World, Part 2 is almost complete! That means it's time for a Behind the Scenes Special!

In the upcoming TEW,P2 Arrdo tells his backstory! However, it may surprise you to know that it isn't the first Backstory I had in mind! In the original, it showed Arrdo as a lanky teenager, getting challenged by eight year old Oliver. I have the pleasure today of showing you what got scrapped!

"A long time ago, I had a great deal going. I would pay for robotic weapons and mechanical parts..."

"Then I would sell them at a waaay higher price then I got them for..."

"Everything was perfect..."

"Until you told me what I was doing was wrong, and challenged me to a fight right there on the spot."

"Being defeated by an eight year old crushed me completely. I went out of town for a few years, building my empire in a place I knew you would never go to. "

That's as far as it got, and I for one am glad. It doesn't make sense that Arrdo would carry that kind of a grudge, or go so far out of the way just to defeat someone that young.

Well, I hope you enjoy TEW,P2 when it comes out!
Check this blog for further updates!

-- LockedOn.