So you may remember this page from a past update:
I got TEW's Teaser in on time, but I know I missed the deadline for Jak's Opening Theme. Here's why.
Jak's theme's been changing along with the story. Now it resembles the original Scratch myth even less, and doesn't really have anything to do with Scratch at all. I'm trying to create an interesting, dark story that'll provide a contrast to my light-hearted action-oriented TEW series. In order to reflect that, I've been trying to make the animation as exciting as the theme I composed for it.
Also, my Flash stopped working on my computer. Fortunately, I have a new computer, but I can only run the trial version of Flash Professional for now, so I'm rushing to get as much animation done as possible. I may be able to buy it sometime soon, which will solve that problem.
Short version: Jak's theme is still in the works.
On the TEW side of things, there's some good news and... some good news. Oh, and some bad news. First of all, I may be getting some help with animating the series soon, but even if that doesn't work out I'm resolved to finish it. Also, there's some episode shifting going on. The sixth episode was originally going to be the flashback episode. Now it's a bit different. The flashback episode is now going to be Part 5. I'm also going to split it up by backstory, meaning that the episode will be released in small parts featuring various characters. Part 4, which has taken ridiculously long, will be split into two parts as well. This means you'll get TEW content faster. I'll then rush to get the second half out, and when it's released, I'll combine them into the single part it should've been in the first place. Finally, the bad news, which isn't really that bad: the surprise I was planning for TEW fans, announced last update, didn't work out. It was originally supposed to be a short comic, but then that expanded into a larger idea, and now it's going to be the second issue of TEW's comic.
Short version: TEWP4 will be split in half and the first half will be released soon, Part 6 is now Part 5 and will be split into separate flashback stories featuring different characters.
Hopefully that wasn't too confusing! Now I have to get back to animating Jak's theme. When I get the time to do it I'll release a new Games Update.
-- LockedOn.