The full The Evolving World comic's first issue is now available right here, on the blog! Click the link here!
I'll be working on the exclusive pages a bit more before submitting it to the folks over at Kablam for the printed version. I'm looking forward to seeing this in print... and after a quick test, I found out that the issue's going to be just under four dollars, which is less then a snack at Starbucks, and certainly less then a snippet of useful info bought from Watch! Buying the printed version is certainly worth it, since with it you get bios, notes on the design of the new characters, and a look at how I made each page.
But if you want it all for free, it's right there for your perusal.
Enjoy! I'll be taking a bit of a break this month, but I'll be working on Games Update 7.1! And don't forget that the TEW Recap will be out on New Year's Day. :)
-- LockedOn.