Monday, September 15, 2014

The October Intensive

In October, I'll be going off the internet.
It's going to be pretty difficult for me, since I constantly rely on the internet for things like checking mail, listening to things while I work, getting references for things, etc.
However, the internet is also a huge waste of my time. When I'm online, there's an 80% chance I'll be doing something that isn't work related, and indeed, that's what I spend most of my time doing. I've realized that, in the long run, the internet is dangerously unhealthy for me. When I lose motivation, it's because of the internet. When I waste time, I wouldn't be if I wasn't on the internet.
Without the internet, I'll be forced to turn to books when I feel the need to entertain myself instead of work, and reading books is infinitely better than watching a video on YouTube.

But the October Intensive won't stop with getting rid of the internet. I'm also going to set up a rotating schedule for myself that will guide what I'll be doing everyday. This will maximize the time spent on projects, making sure I spend the right amount of attention on things that need my attention.
The list includes projects that aren't LockedOn related, but I'm only going to show the relevant projects here:


Activity A: Planning and/or Writing (2 hrs)
Jak: Planning, possibly writing.
TEW Novel: Planning, writing.
Games Update/LockedOn Blog Post: Writing.

Activity B: Games or Animations (2hrs)
Generation Quest 2.0: Designing, drawing, animating, scripting.
Pageturner 2: Not Home: Designing, drawing, animating, scripting, writing.
The Evolving World: Part 4: Writing, storyboarding, animating, voice recording, composing, editing, 3D modeling, designing.
Jak: Storyboarding, keyframing.

Activity C: Composing or Drawing (2 hrs)
TEW Issue 2: 3d modeling, penciling, inking, manipulating, laying out.
Pageturner 2: Not Home: Composing, drawing (cutscenes).
The Evolving World: Part 4: Composing, animating, storyboarding.

Activity D: Cataloging
Here's where I catalog what I did for a special section of the Games Update that I will release at the end of the month. The template will be set up for me, all I'll have to do is fill out the LockedOn related things I did on that day.

Activity E: Nighttime
TEW Novel: Writing, planning.
Jak: Planning.

For each activity, I'll be rotating the projects each time. So on day one, I'll be working on Jak, GQ2.0, TEW Issue 2, and the TEW Novel, and the next day I'll work on the TEW Novel, PT2, PT2 and Jak.

And remember, I have a lot of projects outside of LockedOn that I'll also be rotating. The idea is that I won't get bored because I'll be rotating between them so quickly. I think, with this schedule, I'll get a lot of things done. The question is, will I be able to stick with it?

Anyway, I hope that explains why I didn't answer your comment during October. I hope that you'll join me in this Intensive - it'll be a great experiment to see how much stuff gets done and how long you can hold out.

-- LockedOn.